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Green Onyx Merkaba

Green Onyx Merkaba

Regular price $80.00 AUD
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Product Details

Measure - 110 x 90mm
Weight - 823gm

Crystal Benefits

Mer-Ka-Ba literally means light (Mer) spirit (Ka) body (Ba) in Hebrew, denoting the harmonious activation of all. In shape it appears as a star tetrahedron; a three dimensional 8 pointed star made from two triangular pyramids, one points up, the other down.

The Merkaba represents pure divine energy, constantly spinning, harmonizing, balancing, flowing, moving and expanding in all four directions at all times supporting you where you want to go. It is said we can travel via a Merkaba into any spiritual dimension as it is infinitely circulating the flow of energy from the divine trinity with all elements, in all directions and all at the same time. It harmonizes male and female energy, so understanding how to work with it can literally allow you to manifest all desires.The greater energy field that surrounds our body beyond our auric field is our own Merkaba.


Each of our Merkaba’s are in constant connection with Source, so your creative matrix allows you to combine soul intention with the spark of source energy to create any reality you choose. Like crystals, it is programmed through meditation and intentions, as long as its actively spinning, which is done through breathing exercises and by instructing intentions. Luckily only you control your Merkaba, no other human may do so, although healers can help with breath work to support your work.

Active programming is very yang in energy, task specific, detailed and proactive; if there is negative energy emanating from another person you can program your merkaba to deflect it. If you desire a specific job or relationship, your merkabah can reach in the energy matrix and help conspire to create this reality. Reactive, female patterning is more reactive so try creating a statement like; “Merkaba I program you to flow with ease in this physical reality and to see that all my needs and desires are fulfilled for the highest good of all involved.” This is great as it has less judgment of specific situations and more acceptance of synchronicity.

Crystal Sign

♊️ Gemini and ♍️ Virgo

Crystal Element

🜃 Earth

Shipping Info

Processing is 1-2 days and shipping is 2-3 business days.

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