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Kunzite Chunk - Large

Kunzite Chunk - Large

Regular price $75.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $75.00 AUD
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Product Details

Measures 110mm
Weight 190gm

Crystal Benefits

According to metaphysical beliefs, kunzite is a stone deeply connected to the heart and love. A joyful stone, kunzite opens and connects the heart with the mind, encouraging communion between the two. While wearing kunzite, it is thought you are better able to experience and reciprocate love.

Kunzite is often called the Woman’s Stone. It is particularly supportive for a young or first-time mother and for all single mothers and assists human, as well as animal, mothers who may have a hard time caring for their young. It is a good stone for sleepless babies and over-active children and is an excellent gift for girls entering puberty to help them love their changing bodies.

It is also a powerful healer of the emotional body, particularly for those who have closed themselves off from life, or from others, to protect themselves emotionally. Its high vibrational energy encourages letting go of fears and sorrows that hold the heart to the past or the anxiety of the future and inspires being present in the perfection of the moment. It allows for free expression of feelings, healing the mind and heart, and being receptive to the gifts and opportunities life has to offer.

Crystal Sign

♉️ Taurus, ♌️ Leo & ♏️ Scorpio

Crystal Element

🜄 Water

Shipping Info

Processing is 1-2 days and shipping is 2-3 business days.

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