Wiccan Black Candles
Wiccan Black Candles
Product Details
Product Details
People have been burning candles as a spiritual practice for as long as candles have been made. In ancient times -- and still today -- some people believe that a lit candle creates a connection between the spiritual and physical worlds. The flame represents the creative spark, or source. A lit candle also represents the illuminated self. Some religious people choose to honor the passing of a love one by burning a black candle.
Those who practice magic, read astrology or have spiritual beliefs about candles burn a black candle when they want to clear the air or the home of negativity and evil. People believe burning the black candle neutralizes negativity sent from afar -- by those who wish you harm -- and gets rid of it. Many people also use candles as a focal point for meditation. Burning a black candle helps you focus your thoughts to prepare for deep meditation. A lit black candle can help someone experiencing hard times in employment or relationships.
Black candles are best for candle magic and for manifestations that focus on:
- absorbing negative energy
- inner strength
- breaking bad habits
- protection
- ending a phase you’re ready to move on from
- removing negative emotions
- clearing obstacles
- honoring the crone aspect of the triple goddess
- breaking hexes or curses
- banishing evil spirits from a space.
Black candles can be used for banishing, crone magick, mourning, loss, meditation, abstinence, feminine divine, masculine divine, power, stopping bad rumors, stopping others from interfering with you, and guarding secrets.
Crystal Benefits
Crystal Benefits
Crystal Sign
Crystal Sign
Crystal Element
Crystal Element
Shipping Info
Shipping Info
Processing is 1-2 days and shipping is 2-3 business days.
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